Ruth Keller, Schweizer Keramikerin mit Verbindungen zu Margrit Linck und anderen Studios 7. Februar 2024 Vor etwa 20 Jahren hatte ich das Glück, ein neues Zuhause in der Schweiz zu finden. Dies weckte mein Interesse an Schweizer Keramik, die ich als so...

Ruth Keller Swiss ceramist with links to Margrit Linck and other Studios
Some 20 years ago I was fortunate to find a new home in Switzerland. This started my interest in Swiss ceramics which i found to be so varied and with signatures which were either unreadable or simple a mark. The forms and colours were of interest and bewidering to...
Vreni Wächter best of Swiss Ceramics Zahner Arnold,Linck Margrit,Häusermann
Vreni Wächter best of Swiss Ceramics Zahner Arnold,Linck Margrit,Häusermann Having recently come across some more creations from the Vreni Wächter studio which i have loaded onto the site under Swiss Collectibles. Also a superb plate from the Linck studio hand painted...
Ernst Häusermann Renowned Swiss ceramist
This post will share with you one of the most exciting Swiss ceramic creators in mid 2000s. The text i have google translated into english from the Museum of Zurich, a link provided, which states his works and exhibitions. His pieces are hard to find and are really...
Coins worlwide
Collection of worldwide coins
Ruth Keller Swiss ceramist early 20thc and finding a new signature related to her Studio
It has been sometime since i lasted posted anything that would swing a head around and have notice taken. Over the years i have been intrigued by the diversity of this Swiss ceramist and ofcourse the various signatures that she has used. My first foray into her...
Scheurich Ceramic Floor Vase painted with a group of horses in a vibrant red
A large floor vase by Scheurich in a black pumice with a group of horses in a vibrant red. Condition : excellent Size: 50cm Weight: 6100gr Price: CHF220.00 [contact-form][contact-field label="Name" type="name" required="1"][contact-field label="Email"...
Scheurich Large Ceramic Floor Vase with a Horse in vibrant Red c1970s
A large floor vase painted with a horse in a vibrant red on a black pumice background. Condition: Very good Size: 44cm Weight: 4157 Price: CHF280.00 [contact-form][contact-field label="Name" type="name" required="1"][contact-field label="Email" type="email"...
Republic Period Porcelain Brush pot with an unusual figure and Myth
Where to start with my latest find which i spotted from afar sitting amongst some very ordinary pottery, guess thats why i was drawn to it straight away. A real delight as i have now found a piece with a figure and a fish.I would like to start with the figure painted...
Been some time since my last entry. I have been meaning to list some super glass bowls made by Iittala Finland, know as Maribowls. They are actually listed as Mariskooli bowls and come in a rather vast range of colours. There is an online list showing dates and colour...
By prior arrangement at Hauptstrasse 50, Saas im Prättigau, Switzerland.
Saturdays from May – October at stand 477, Flohmarkt Bürkliplatz, Zurich, Switzerland.