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Masonic Jewels fashioned for men worn by Past & Current masters in the Masonic Lodges

March 20, 2019


Having never had the urge or desire for Jewellery in my younger years, that has not changed, there was little exposure to what the market had to offer but what did draw my attention to jewels for men was the purchase i made in acquiring the Jewels pictured above. I was offered the opportunity to purchase a household of items so i set off on a two-hour journey to the land owners and what an experience it turned out to be.

Arriving at the property which was situated in what one can only call a dust bowl there stood this humble little house under a huge oak tree. The tin roof all rusty and somewhat dented screamed uncared for and rather neglected. Well i was not about to buy the house, although i could have, but rather its contents. The garden was dried and shrivelled, interspersed with rocks and those ever green succulents which happened to survive. My thoughts jumped to *watch out for snakes*!

David was sitting on a rather tired looking cane rocker on the veranda staring in the distance or so it seemed to me. He came forward to greet me with a slick smile and started chatting immediately like a long-lost friend. A short man dressed in casual clothes and rather old-fashioned with a cheeky twinkle in his eye introduced me to his beloved wife, a short plump woman with a warm smile. Her kitchen apron freshly pressed clung to her round form showing off the slight bulges here and there. A rather quiet but charming lady. David held the conversation with incessant talking and joking leaving both of us simply all ears and looking on.

Having been shown around as to what was on offer i set aside a number of interesting items. My eyes dashed back and forth so as not to miss that something out of the ordinary, tucked away behind all the other paraphernalia. The bedroom was next and this was a shocker. The bedclothes were old and tired with a heavy musty smell throughout and to the left stood a massive piece of furniture that commanded an entire wall. I felt as though the room was closing in on me. The light fitting hanging askew and covered in cobwebs not to mention the dust, my eyes drawn to the windows as there was no air in the room. Several cracked panes and slightly brown from cigarette smoke, wondering whether they could be opened, i rather bit my tongue. I was offered a seat on the bed and from here i was presented with some of the most interesting items among them the Jewels and documents.

An amazing album of photographs from the Boer war depicting generals,places,trains and heavy artillery onboard. There were so many silver items wrapped in blankets stuffed into the bottom of the cupboard having never seen the light of day in 37 years. What brought a smile to my face was the spanking new wall to wall carpet beneath my feet. David with a cheeky smile pointed it out as a matter of * by the way our new carpet *. Some two hours had passed and with a parched throat i joking asked him whether he had paid the water bill. Right on cue Mia appeared and invited us for a cup of tea and a tart slice filled with a red jam. I never imagined that i would enjoy my visit so much, as David had so many interesting and funny stories to tell and poor Mia was once again so silent. Oh she did talk but only when i needed more information and yet her warm smile lit up his eyes. Here i did notice that after 48 years of marriage he was still in love with Mia and this showed up when he got up to serve first her and then me. This impressed me no end.

Now to the outside shed and here i struggled for approx.  two hours going through paper,magazines,programs and a large amount of Boer war envelopes sent from various towns and cities. Once again my throat was dry dry dry and as this shed had no windows,  and the air was dry and stinking hot. At least an inch of thick dust blanketed just about everything but the excitement drove me on to find perhaps prominent letter/document, signed by a famed person/general. Seven trash bags later i emerged looking like the local dustman. On brushing down my trousers a puff of dust filled the air and with a slight cough, David exploded in laughter.

Both he and Mia were delighted that i came over to look and spend some time with them. My trip, 6 hours in all was well worth the visit not only in the items i purchased but meeting two such charming characters. Our communication lasted another two years and on occasion when they visited the city, they popped in for a hearty chat and laugh. Thanks David & Mia. Cheers!

Lik to Lodge :  Join Lodge

Ladies : Ladies only

Washington : Washington Grand Lodge