There has been so much already said about this important & innovative Swiss Artist & Potter there leaves little for me to add about her creations and innovations.
When i first arrived in Switzerland i came across the name and had no idea what was made by Margrit Linck. Due to the kindness of a dealer i was told what to lookout for and that was the *Fisch* mark. That was the start of the searching and discovering what was out there in the market place. Not having been a lover of ceramics, rather porcelain, i opened myself up to Swiss ceramics on the whole as i had come across so much and when i say on the cheap i really mean on the cheap.
Why was the market place so unaware of this Potter and her creations. Here i must point out that here in the mountain regions there is little to none that have the slightest idea and i think frankly could not care as they (charity shops) were on the whole given so much *stuff* that these plain and yet somewhat colourful items were sold for a tuppence.
The market soon got to know that i had an interest and was presented items to purchase.
I bought a large collection from an elderly Margrit Linck devotee and boy did she have a lot. The only piece i was unable to purchase was a large head of a women. It was noted that there woud be no discussion about it or the price should she be willing to sell.No pressure and i gathered up my purchases and with a delighful grin and a humming all the way home.Now what to do with all this stuff and to my delight a portion was sold off to three collectors who in turn were amazed that there was so much on offer. Well these things come and go and since then i have found precious little. The cities are to better locations to pick up a piece or two at affordable prices. I was amazed to discover that collectors do not mind a small chip or two as the ceramic clay chips so easily exposing the terracotta base. The glaze also gives way easily when knocked not saying that its poor workmanship but it is what it is just like other ceramics worldwide.
Swiss ceramics in general were ignored for so long and after finding out about Mrs.Linck i started to inform myself of other potters. After 10 years i have collected( various & different) somewhat near 1200 pieces ranging from the smallest to large pieces and will simply hold onto them for the future.Like playing the money market but at least i have the pieces i love the best to look at and treasure these wonderful Swiss creations. One can still purchase wonderful timeless objects from the factory which in the most capable hands being an all family affair.
One picture below features three animals, a rabbit and the other being monkeys as a serviette rings. These were purchased within the large collection. Perhaps someone in the factory ,in their spare time,sculptured these comical pieces.
I have just started a new website so some time soon i will be adding some interesting Swiss ceramics as well as other collectibles and treasures.
Why not visit us in the Prättigau valley….so much to see and do.
Heres a link to M.L :
For intersting collectibles visit our shop