Some time one finds exceptional items in the least expected places and these bronzes were just one of those places and time.
Traveling all over the beautiful country side of idyllic Switzerland, i chose to travel through the villages rather than the highway to my final destination. The winding roads rising and falling through the smaller villages (dorf) was a delight and also gave me an opportunity to stop off for lunch and dinner. Most of my stops would include those villages who had a local charity shop as they are filled with items given away but the generous public. By generous i really mean generous ! Items like Lalique,Daum (plenty of)Galle,Christoffel,silver gems and so so much more even down to a small painting by Picasso from his blue period at the princely sum of Sfr.120.00. It needed to be confirmed as one of his by his daughter but then that was quite another task. Tons of other stuff can be found for a few Francs.
The meals had over my travels were excellent and i chose the dish of the region not always being true to dish being served as being a veggie it was not always that easy. After three days of travelling i was looking forward to getting back to my normal diet.All dust and dusted i had a car load of very saleable items and needed to wash and spruce up the items as they were sold as found, this i rather like as after a good inspection, before buying, one sees the collectibility and value of these beauties ready for the market place.
It is rather difficult to get invited into a local home to buy items but on the odd occasion it does happen and i guess it all boils down to the charm. An older couple who noticed what i was buying entered into a conversation and after half an hour i was on the way to viewing some items they were willing to sell off. Keeping my eyes rather steady and not showing too much excitement i noticed the bronzes not knowing that these were among the many wonderful items on offer. They were so dusty and dull but i knew what to do after studying the pair of bronzes so after some negotiation i had them wrapped and packed. The huge crystal chandelier was a battle but well worth it and which took a week to get it into its glorious condition.
When it comes to bronzes and ensuring that they are what they are one needs to have a broad knowledge of what a good bronze is and if in actual fact it is a bronze, are the basics of overspending or buying a gem at a bargain. These two are missing their plinths but that does not detract from their glorious color/patination. I have simple done a warm soapy wash and a light wax ,as the new owners whoever they maybe, have the choice to have a professional clean to their required taste.
Love it when people interact when on the buying trips as this is when sometimes it all happens. My next travels will only be in the 1st quarter 2019 as no doubt there will be a lot of snow to contend with. If you have travelled through the small villages in the snowy period, as pretty as it is, is rather hair-raising at times due to the narrow roads and sharp turns, being honest, i am getting older and slightly more nervous. Eekkkk,,,,should i ever have said that. I did mention ::::Honest::: and that means an Apple rather than a Banana.
Should you wish to visit Switzerland i am always available to help with destinations and all my favorite hunting spots.