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antique shop news on valuable collectable antiques

Switzerlands Antique/Fleamarket Bürkliplatz Zurich

August 6, 2018

Once again the market has been very busy with so many new dealers and local housewives selling their wares,some treasures and lots and lots of second hand items.

This market which is at the bottom of the main street, Bahnhofstrasse, is host to some of the most exciting collectibles which are to be found amongst the trash. Its always striking that many do no research into what they may have as a treasure and that allows those dedicated collectors and dealers alike to find the *jewel* that is tucked away amongst the other *stuff*.

The tables are set on the alloted space and as usual everybody brings far too much and this then leads to things been piled up or set under the table. These are the tables one needs to watch as under the pile of plates one finds a rare plate by Fornesetti and early english wares dating to 1740/90 which are priced at a few Swiss Francs. Under one table a friend discovered a rare Lalique table lamp and walked away, after parting with 30Sfr, with the biggest bargain i have seen in this last year. Italian glass being plentiful but then the more desirable pieces been controlled by two dealers who snap up whats on offer early morning, so being up and sparkly at 5.30am onwards certainly allows one to snap up the bargains. With this being said not every dealer arrives at that time and unpacking goes on till 10am, so there are still great items to be found, like the Lalique lamp.

So whats on offer ? A vast variety of goodies and mostly porcelain, glass, jewellery, silerware and textiles. The items are mostly marked with a price and others simply seem to know the asking price of the somewhat 100 items they have on display. Wish i had such a good memory but then i rather like pricing my goodies as i think this is a fair and open sell. Ofcourse no matter what you price the item at there is always the bargaining that will take place.

The market as seen in the attached pictures runs till end October on each Saturday from early morning till 4.30pm. There are a number of good fountains for drinking water and ample shade. There is also a kiosk that sells goodies to eat and drink being more of the smaller bites than a large meal but meals can be had in the numerous restaurants close by. To cool off there is the Zurich lake across the road and one can also take a boat trip around the lake. The bus stop is right opposite with connections to all sections of Zurich with the main station at the top of the Most expensive Bahnhofstrasse. Well i guess expensive is only relative.

Clothing and footware are plentiful and at bargain prices. One simply needs time to look for that super deal, thats if you are into second hand. This is the place to find great deals as well as desireable collectibles. A suite of early Daum Nancy drinking glasses priced at Sfr.7.00 each i am sure you will agree is fantastically cheap and as they say a *schnapchen*. Early English wares as well as Chinese items are readily available at affordable prices as people are simply unaware of what they have, infact these are to be

found at real real next to nothing prices.

Wishing all who visit a successful hunting trip, as thats what its all about i guess. Some dealers also buy wares so if you have something to throw out rather bring it along to sell. Many are eager to buy but i will advise to have a price in mind as dealers are rather reluctant to make an offer which i understand to a point.