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antique shop news on valuable collectable antiques

September 3, 2020

Been some time since my last entry. I have been meaning to list some super glass bowls made by Iittala Finland, know as Maribowls. They are actually listed as Mariskooli bowls and come in a rather vast range of colours.

There is an online list showing dates and colour ranges as well as sizes. Some are to found to be trial pieces which i absolutely love as not easily found and have a character of their own. There are quite a few rarities which demand a good price and are rarely seen in the market place. Over the years i had not paid much attention to these very decorative pieces as i have only been finding a single piece here and there. When a set whether matched or mixed they really do look great, especially on a summers day table where they catch the sunlight showing off their true beauty.

Here is that list to feed your eyes on and helps you establish the good and bad of these wonderful bowls. Having said that, bad, well there are fakes around and as with most items, today cause confusion and a let down when you have been conned. Take your time educating yourself and all will be well in setting up a marvellous collection of the magnificent bowls.    Maribowls

They can still be purchased today directly from Iittala. Of course, the hunt for the out of production pieces set the heart racing when an exceptional piece is found. In the coming weeks, i will list more Finnish glass and collectables so take a peek.

All available on : Scandinavian collectables